Trump " plans to launch fourth NFT collection," a warning to Jerome Powell

Trump " plans to launch fourth NFT collection," a warning to Jerome Powell

Former US President Donald Trump revealed in a Bloomberg Businessweek interview that he plans to release a fourth NFT collection. "The previous collection was so successful that it sold out in a day. People want me to release another NFT," he said. He added that cryptocurrencies are not going away and that he has met a lot of people in the crypto space at fundraisers and they are top-notch people. He also emphasized that the country has moved to embrace the crypto industry because if it doesn't, China will take the lead.

He also said that he would guarantee Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Jerome Powell's tenure again, after sparking a controversy the day before regarding his tenure. He also said that he plans to appoint JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon as Treasury Secretary if he wins the November presidential election. "The Fed should refrain from cutting rates before the election," he added, as a condition of Jerome Powell's confirmation.