Starbucks Odyssey NFTs are coming to Korea.

For the past 2023 years, Starbucks' Odyssey NFT project has only been available in the U.S., but it's been quite popular. Starbucks Korea is bringing the Korean version of Odyssey to finger-sucking Korean users this January.

I think Starbucks' NFT is a medium to connect the brand's philosophy and beliefs between the headquarters and the employees using web3 technology. It serves as a kind of branding service app, launchpad and marketplace. Will it be the completion of the third space that Starbucks emphasizes with branding? Simply put, the stamps you used to pay for various Starbucks rewards have been moved to the app and become NFTs. First, in January, an NFT called "Starlight" will be paid when you place a Siren order through the app instead of an offline order. The stamps are all the same, but the NFTs have different visuals, as you can see, so you can pick your favorite. This token, burned into a polygon, will be able to provide all the reward verification that the old starbucks provided, and it will also be used as an invitation key to retention on- and offline events.
The Experience Reward, which they emphasize, is a way to get salty and goodies like NFT rebills after providing proof of promise to receive benefits by making purchases or completing missions suggested by stars. Let's define it as the same as the previous Star Stamp, but the stamp is stamped on the Internet and unchangeably confirmed with NFT as proof. Since it is a sharing of branding through the app, various missions will be carried out beyond simply receiving stamps. It is said that various missions and rewards such as surveys and quizzes on the theme of "traveling with coffee" are being prepared. Unfortunately, the framework of merchandise as a type of reward is unlikely to change much, though that's not bad news for Sbucklers.

Starbucks understands the need for a change in its brick-and-mortar focus. Until now, they've made sure that non-purchasing audiences who visit their stores feel free to use them, because they believe that Starbucks is a public space for culture and conversation, and that retention from that experience is a key value for the brand. Will Starbucks' dream 3 places be completed in a "web3 metaverse" rather than a simple "app" on your phone? Does this mean that Starbucks will disappear entirely offline? No. Looking back at the US Odyssey campaign, I think they'll continue to drive customers into stores with missions that benefit the entire community when Odyssey holders visit offline.