ON1-Force; F4ll3n. Epic NFTs for the Hero's Journey

In case you've been living under a meme, ETF or coin, we're excited to announce that we're minting 3,333 new ON1 NFTs from Oniforce, with hype artwork and an epic story!
What is On1Force?
ON1 is an animated media, games and technology company that creates multimedia products around intellectual property (IP), and ON1;Force is an immersive ecosystem project platform where projects that reflect their worldview are created through storytelling with the community to create compelling, user-centric narratives.

What's different this year?

They claim to 'create conscious characters and let them exist (grow) through the community', and this time they are expanding into the 'F4LL3N' universe through Onipos. ON1, which is being minted this time, is a dark version of the character and is a PFP NFT. He can be seen as a new element that expands the world and the story by forming an antagonistic relationship with the protagonist and creating a conflict, and the conscious character who grows through this conflict can only begin the 'Hero's Journey'.

What's the difference in terms of blockchain technology?
The previous 7,777 were minted on Ethereum, but this dark version of ON1 has 3,333 minted on Audience. It was minted on a different network, we are told, to overcome the limited environment of the story due to the specific blockchain and medium. It is also important to note that the immersive and interactive NFT technology through AI, and the participation of Dao, opens up possibilities for many. There are also rewards for various partnerships and overcoming limitations.
The story of a saga through awakening

With an expansive universe, ON1 Force eschews the clunky serialized derivative collections of previous blue chips in favor of a solid narrative with deep, conscious characters. The journey of resistance and hope embarked upon by the only 7,777 ON1 warriors to survive the epic battle between good and evil is a gripping one, and the 3,333 Fallen who are the object of that resistance are the focus of this collection. ON1's awakening is like watching it in 'SoloLeveling'.

The backers behind the conscious characters
We collaborate and work with a variety of backers to create character identities that live in both digital and IRL worlds simultaneously. We have @trueIMCMPLX and @L1n_Alex leading the way with compelling art and creative design, Paul Jenkins (creator of Wolverine and The Avengers), Ramon N90 (character developer for Overwatch and Riot Games), and a vast array of IP owners including Batman. That's a lot.

Want to be a part of this epic?

Leading the new "awakening" of IP in the Web3 world, ON1 is not the blue chip we're used to seeing. To follow their story and the movement that will lead to this epic, follow all of their channels. Whether you own ON1 or not, you'll need to have a Fallen character to be a part of this interactive story. Join us at the Fallen Minting in late February, get your character, and join the hero's journey to an unpredictable ending.