BlackRock IBIT is Most Popular BTC Spot ETF on Robinhood.

The BlackRock Bitcoin Spot ETF (IBIT) is the most popular fund among the 11 BTC spot ETFs available on the crypto trading app Robinhood, according to The Block. Steve Quirk, chief brokerage officer at Robinhood, said: "Clients are looking for the most cost-effective products to add to their portfolios. Grayscale's GBTC is currently experiencing outflows due to high fees, while other products are seeing inflows. We've seen 33% of our clients sell some of their holdings to buy BTC Spot ETFs. Grayscale, BlackRock and Fidelity products account for more than 90% of all BTC spot ETF trading volume.

Meanwhile, Ark Investments CEO Cathy Wood recently told Brazilian media outlet Infomoney that she believes bitcoin will play the same role as "gold" in the future. "Bitcoin is going to be an alternative to traditional currencies. It could play an important role in emerging markets, especially as a hedge against unstable monetary and fiscal policies. The day when the bitcoin price reaches $1 million is not far off."